READER! we cannot make a better improvement of this precious Chapter, than by following up the example the Prophet hath here left us, both in times of public calamity, and private visitation; in besieging a throne of grace upon the same ground, and pleading for mercy on the same arguments, as the Prophet here useth. Sit down and ponder over the many strong and unanswerable pleas, every poor sinner hath in this one cause of holy confidence, the name of Jehovah. The covenant purposes, counsel, will, declaration of Jehovah. Moreover, his unchangeable promises, founded in his own free and eternal love. To these add the word, the oath, those immutable things of Jehovah, in which it is impossible for God to lie. Then open at the same time, the infinite volume of grace, in the Person, work, blood, grace, spirit, and righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ. Call in yet further to your aid, the person, offices, and eternal grace of God the Holy Ghost. And when these grand and glorious truths are fully impressed upon the mind; sit down and devise names if you can find them to misery and sin, in all the various shapes of it: and see if there be not found somewhat in those blessed views of the Almighty covenanters, to answer and satisfy all. Oh! thou the hope of Israel I would say, both for myself and Reader: Oh thou art both the hope and Saviour thereof: why shouldst thou be as a stranger in the land, as a wayfaring man, that turneth aside to tarry but for a night, and takest no interest in the concerns of thy people; Do not abhor us for thy Name's sake: do not disgrace the throne of thy glory?

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