IN reading this Chapter, I find so much of blessedness leading to the Lord Jesus Christ, that I cannot need more than the first verse opens to me, to feast upon in Jesus forever. What though Samuel and Moses are no intercessors; though Abraham be ignorant of us, and Israel acknowledgeth us not; yet thou blessed Jesus hast stood in the gap, and dost forever stand, having obtained eternal redemption for us. Here then, amidst all the calamities of life, whether in private or public, nationally or individually; here would I rest my plea, my only plea, for I need no other. Looking to God my Father in Christ, I would say, both for myself and the Church of Jesus; behold O God our shield, and look upon the face of thine anointed! And wilt not thou, O Lord Jesus, take up the case and concerns of all thy people? Though our iniquities testify against us, and our sins are aggravated sore; yet Lord, such is the everlasting and eternal efficacy of thy blood and righteousness; such the infinite merit of both; that they plead more for thy people, than all their sins can plead against them. Oh! how would I treasure this word concerning thee; wherein thou hast caused me to hope. I have found them indeed, and have eaten them; and they have been the rejoicing and joy of my heart: yea Lord, I have found thee, the Uncreated Word; and do thou Lord dwell evermore in my heart by faith. Lord do by me, as by thy servant the Prophet; make me as a fenced brazen wall, strong in the grace of faith, that is in Christ Jesus. Be thou with me to save me, and to deliver me, O Lord; so shall I not be confounded, when times of persecution arise, and the enemy cometh in like a flood; for then will my Lord lift up a standard, even Christ Jesus against him.

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