So great a contrast there is between the last verse of the preceding paragraph and the beginning of this, that I cannot but suppose the Prophet is not speaking these things of himself. And I the rather am inclined to suppose this from the great sameness that there is in the words here spoken, to what we meet with in Job's complaint: so as that one might conclude the Prophet quoted them from Job. See Job 3:3, etc. The Reader will remember, that I do not decide upon it, I refer him to the passage. But if the Prophet, like the Patriarch, uttered this vehement lamentation, we only learn from both, what a compound of grace and corruption there is in the best of men as men: It is thou only blessed Jesus, of whom it can be said, there was no guile found in thy lips; but as a lamb before her shearers is dumb, so thou openedst not thy mouth. 1 Peter 2:22.

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