What a blessed testimony, is it to the truth of the holy scriptures, that their effects on the souls of God's people, are in all ages the same. What Jeremiah said, all more or less find, that the word of the Lord is as a fire and as an hammer. Reader! can you bear like testimony to its power in your heart? Luke 24:32. And what an uniform correspondence is there in all ages of the Church, among the Lord's people, how the enemy stirreth up the minds of men, to wait for their halting. An infirmity of the Lord's people, becomes subject of delight to carnal minds. Aha! Aha! so would we have it. This is the language of all the haters of Christ's people. Psalms 35:20. The glory given to the Lord, in the close of this paragraph, is beautiful: and no less so the hymn of praise with which it ends.

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