READER! Who can go through a Chapter of such contents as this unmoved! Who, but for God's authority, in his holy word, confirming the melancholy truth, could have believed, that a nation so highly favoured as Israel, should have sunk so foully. But look we within, and there read the same, sad pages of the human heart. Are we better than they? Solemn question of the Apostle. And as sad an answer. No! in no wise: for he hath concluded all under sin! Blessed Lord Jesus! was it indeed necessary that thy people should be thus taught in Israel's history, what they also are by nature and by practice? Hath God the Holy Ghost held up in them a faithful mirror, to show what all men are? And must thy people, still look and still learn by way of keeping up remembrance, such once were we: but we are washed and sanctified, and justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God. Help Lord then all thy people, to see and know more and more that in themselves they are all as despised idols, as broken vessels, wherein is no water! And if now they are renewed, and made as Gilead, and as Lebanon to thee: it is thou Lord that art the sole cause of their recovery. Oh! precious Jesus, how increasingly precious art thou to thy people, who see their need of thee more and more, and are desirous of living to thee here by faith, that ere long they may live in thee, and by thee, in glory to all eternity. Amen.

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