I pray the Reader to observe with me, who were the enemies of faithful Jeremiah: namely, the unfaithful priests. Oh! what a reproach is it to any age, and to every age of the Church, that the Redeemer should be wounded in the house of his friends, and that those, who profess his name, should be the first to persecute his people. Reader! do not overlook, that Jeremiah was not singular in his services. Micah in his days, and Urijah in his, were both brought into danger, for being found faithful. That must be a most accommodating, time-serving, and worldly spirit, which chimes in with the wishes of the people, in speaking smooth things and prophesying deceits. The resolution of Paul will bring upon every preacher his odium. To preach Christ crucified and Christ glorified, is to provoke hell. The offence of the Cross hath never ceased, and never will. Oh! for faithful ministers, to do as Jeremiah did, and leave the event with the Lord. 1 Corinthians 2:2.

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