I hardly know anything in scripture more striking, and what tends to interest the feelings of the Reader more sensibly, than this short but affecting Chapter. The Prophet Jeremiah knew himself to have been called to the Prophetic office from the womb. (See Jeremiah 1:1.) But he had to contend with all the malice and contradiction of the world, as well as the powers of darkness all the way. We have here one of the sons of the Prophets publicly standing up to oppose and confront him. And that, not in a private insinuating manner: but in an open, bold, and avowed contradiction of all that Jeremiah had said. Let the Reader figure to himself the congregation of the people all assembled in the house of the Lord: and then behold the son of the Prophet Hananiah, standing up to disprove the whole of Jeremiah's preaching; and delivering the whole of what he professed to prophesy, in the name, and by the authority of the Lord. This will give him a lively idea of the subject of this Chapter.

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