This is but a short verse, but it is a most awful one. The Holy Ghost hath made a great emphasis of it. So Hananiah the prophet died. And not only the same year, but within two months from the time, that he taught rebellion against the Lord. Two years he had limited to the fulfillment of his lies. And two months only the Lord limited to the fulfillment of his iniquity. Reader! pause and ponder well the awfulness of such a character! See another such a death. Luke 16:22


READER! Can any portion of God's holy word speak more decidedly or more awfully, in determining between true and false Prophets and Teachers, than what is said in this Chapter.

Who that had been present at Hananiah's message, as he solemnly prefaced, what he had to say in the name of the Lord, but would have taken part with him, leaning so much as it did to the side of mercy? And who but would have looked at Jeremiah with displeasure, as one that had been making the people sorrowful, with unnecessary alarms? But what an awful reverse of circumstances soon took place, to determine their true character. And are there not Hananiah's in the present hour? Do not many come forth in the Lord's name, whom the Lord never sent? And do not they cause men to trust in lies, saying, peace, peace, when there is no peace. Robbing the Redeemer of his glory, and precious souls of their true happiness: in bolstering sinners up in the false confidence of their own righteousness, instead of preaching Christ to the people?

Lord! do thou countenance all thy faithful Jeremiah's of gospel times, and stop the mouths of them that run unsent, who speak smooth things, and prophecy deceits. Manifest the truth of thine own cause, and let not thy people be brought under their delusions: but give to all thy redeemed, Pastors after thine own heart, that may instruct and feed thy people with true understanding and knowledge.

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