READER! amidst very many beauties in this Chapter, let you and I fix our meditation, and pray that God the Holy Ghost will make it profitable to us both, in beholding Him, concerning whom God the Father here speaks of being the Governor from among his people. And while we regard the gracious promise, and behold the Lord Jesus at the call of his Father, coming forth as the Great Head and Surety of his people; let us behold him in every possible point of view, and see how suited he is in that high character, and how suited to us for all the purposes of salvation.

Doth our God and Father demand who this is that engaged his heart to approach unto the Lord for his people? And may we not humbly, yet joyfully answer, it is the Lord our Righteousness. One, and the only one, able to make up the dreadful breach which sin had made, between God and us, and restore perfect order among all the works of God. One who is, and was, and ever will be, mighty to save: one with the Father, over all God blessed forever: and one with us bone of our bone, and flesh of our flesh. One who is called Wonderful, Counsellor, the Mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of peace!

Oh precious Lord Jesus! help us to be engaged to thee, as thou hast engaged thyself to God and thy Father for us! Say dearest Lord! how should any of Adam's fallen, ruined, helpless race have ever stood before God, hadst not thou stood up at the call of God for us, and answered in our law room and place, both by doing and by dying. Oh! for grace from henceforth to give up all engagements, to sacrifice all human covenants, all hopes of creature strength, and creature attainments, to be found wholly engaged to Christ, and to follow him in the regeneration. Do thou Lord, who hast undertaken and accomplished salvation for us, accomplish salvation in us, and be in us the hope of glory. Let every faculty, every wish, every thought; be brought into subjection unto thee; that henceforth, we may no longer live to ourselves, but to him that died for us, and rose again. Make us thine, and be thou ours, that being bought with a price, we may glorify thee, both in our bodies and in our spirit, which are thine forever. Amen.

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