PONDER well my soul, from the perusal of this most blessed Chapter that sacred source of all thy happiness, the everlasting love of God. See to it, that from thence it is, that Jesus Mediator with all his fulness comes, and God thy Father, becomes the God of all the families of Israel. And do not fail to connect with this soul-transporting view, that if thou art Christ's, then art thou interested in this family, being Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.

And oh! most gracious Lord! do as thou hast said; bring Lord, thy sons from far, and thy daughters from the ends of the earth: bring them both from the north and south; let the blind eyes be opened, and the ears of the deaf unstopped. Nothing shall be impediments in the way of salvation, when Jesus gives but the power; even the women with child shall come, and her that travaileth with child together. And, as true penitents and holy mourners, shall all thy dispersed come, for thou wilt lead them as thou hast said: and their way in Jesus shall be a strait way, wherein they shall not stumble. No lamentation in Ramah; no sorrow for children in the church of Jesus shall be heard, for the child in Christ shall die an hundred years old; while the sinner, who is an hundred years old, out of Christ, shall be accursed. Precious Lord! all thy ransomed ones, when instructed and brought back, shall come like Ephraim; and our covenant God will be full of bowels of compassion to his poor long lost wanderers. In the incarnation and ministry of Jesus will be all joy; and as Jesus himself was in the morning of his resurrection, as one refreshed with sleep, so shall the triumph of his people be in him!

Will the Lord then bring on to every child of his the sure and certain promise, and now in the last days, fulfil that gracious word, in putting his law in our minds, and writing it in our hearts; in being our God, and making us his people: that henceforth we may no longer ask around, or say to others, Know the Lord; for all shall know thee from the least to the greatest? We look up to thee O Lord for this unspeakable gift of the latter day glory! We wait for the sure accomplishment of it! For as sure as the ordinances of day and night are in the Lord's own appointment; so equally sure are the children of Christ heirs of the promise. Blessed God and Father in Christ Jesus; so let all thy promises be yea and amen in him. Amen.

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