The Prophet here opens his commission to the men of Judah and Jerusalem; and in the prospect of the Babylonish captivity, now hastening, admonisheth them to seek the Lord. The Prophet, like a faithful preacher, dwells upon the same subject, as the Lord preached to him, at his ordination. See Jeremiah 1:14 to the end. The Lion from the thicket is a strong figure, to set forth the fury of the Enemy. And when the Lord gives the authority, what a roaring Lion indeed, is every foe. Precious Jesus! thou art the Lion of the tribe of Judah, and while thou art for us, more are they, than all that can be against us. Revelation 5:5; 2 Kings 6:15. If the heart of all men fail in their own strength: those whom thou hast made kings and priests to God and the Father, will faint not, whilst thou art their strength and their portion forever. Revelation 1:6.

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