STAND still my soul, and ponder over this Chapter, and look up for the divine teachings of God the Holy Ghost, that none of the words here contained may fall to the ground. Were there ever more striking evidences given of the grace and long-suffering of the Lord? Were there ever more decisive testimonies manifested, of the obduracy and impenitency of man? May we not take up the Lord's own words, and say: What could have been done more to his vineyard, that he did not unto it? Precious Lord Jesus! oh for some gracious accompaniments of thy Holy Spirit, with thine holy word in the present hour, that thine Israel now, may never despise the riches of thy goodness, and forbearance, and long-suffering, but know and feel that the goodness of God leadeth to repentance.

Ye ministers of my God! learn from this statement of sorrow in the Prophet, to put on bowels of mercies, and to feel true soul concern for the present desolations of the Church of Jesus. Blind Watchmen, and blind Guides cannot become interested for the saving knowledge of Christ, in others, who are destitute of it themselves. But do ye who know Jesus, unceasingly tell of his preciousness to all around. Let Zion which is so dear to Jesus, be dear to you. And as you know that her name is engraven on the palms of his hands: let her interests be always uppermost in your heart. Hath Jesus taught you? oh commend him as a Teacher to all that are ignorant. Hath Jesus saved you from your sins? commend him as a Saviour to other poor sinners. Hath Jesus made you willing in the day of his power? pray to Him that the day of his power may be manifested in many a heart. Zion will again flourish in the church of Jesus if the love of Jesus, and a regard for the interests of his Church, flourisheth in the hearts of his ministers and people. Compassionate Redeemer! let it no longer be said of any of those who call themselves ministers of the gospel: all seek their own, not the things which are Jesus Christ's.

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