Lord Jesus! look upon thy Church, thy vineyard, thy Benjamin, beloved: and place her in times of danger, in the Beth-haccerem of safety in thyself. Remember thou dear Lord, what thou hast said, and what thou hast promised, and say still: I the Lord do keep her. I will water her every moment, lest any hurt her. I will keep her night and day.

And surely thou blessed Lord! if thou hast likened thy Church to a comely and delicate woman: it must be so from being comely in thine eyes, from the comeliness thou hast put upon her. Precious Lord Jesus! though I am in myself black, yea, full of spots; but if comely in thine eyes, it is thy robe of righteousness hath made me so. Oh! for grace to eye thee, and love thee, and to be living upon thee, and to thee as the Lord my righteousness!

Do thou, Almighty Refiner and Purifier of thy Church and people: sit by me as my Refiner, that men may no longer call me reprobate silver, when thou hast refined me as silver is refined, and tried me as gold is tried. Oh! Lord God! by the fire of thy blessed Spirit, consuming all the dross of my corrupt affections, and with thy special influences refining and purging away all the seam of a nature foul and spotted, do thou so cleanse me for thyself and thy glory, that I may offer to my Lord an offering in righteousness, and be so purified like the sons of Levi, to be among thy priests, in thy salvation forever!

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