In the former Chapter we find Satan tempting Job, in some very heavy and trying afflictions of Job's family and circumstances; and Job triumphant. In this Chapter we have the adversary making a further attack, in his violent assault upon Job's person. To add to the poor man's affliction, his wife joins in persuading him to sin. He reproves his wife and is visited by his friends.

Job 2:1

(1) В¶ Again there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them to present himself before the LORD.

In the opening of this Chapter I cannot forbear calling upon the Reader to remark with me some sweet and precious instructions, which the Holy Ghost hath thought proper to give the church, concerning Satan and his devices, for which we never can be sufficiently thankful to that blessed Spirit. Paul tells the church that we are not ignorant of his devices. 2 Corinthians 2:1 And blessed be God the Holy Ghost who hath taught us by his servant the prophet Zechariah, we have a plain representation made of the arch fiend, standing before our God to resist God's people. But to comfort the minds of God's accused ones, the same prophet was made to behold also the Lord Jesus Christ, no less present to confront the accuser, as our glorious all-prevailing advocate. I would have the Reader, before he enters further in this Chapter, turn again to the passage referred to in the former Chapter. Zechariah 3:1. It forms the highest relief to the mind, the recollection of this precious office of our adorable Lord, amidst the unknown accusations of our spiritual foe, which may daily be going on against the redeemed of the Lord! John 2:1.

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