READER, I cannot beg a greater blessing from our gracious Covenant GOD in CHRIST, either for you or for myself, than that a Spirit of grace may be poured out upon us both, to lead us with similar breathings of soul, and earnest desires of spirit, for drawing near to the footstool of the mercy seat, which Job here desired to approach. Depend upon it, the nearest and sweetest communion believers have with GOD, rests upon this very method, when their whole souls are going forth, in pleading justification before GOD, upon the pure footing of righteousness: not of our righteousness, you may well suppose, for we have none, but that of JESUS. This is the strength, Job saith, GOD will put in his pleading, praying people. And here, and here alone it is, that either now, at a mercy seat, or hereafter, at a throne of judgment, poor sinners can ever be delivered from their judge!

Pause, Reader, and contemplate the vast privilege! Count over, if it be possible, the immense mercy; and then think what everlasting love, what a revenue of everlasting praise will be forever offered to the Father's grace in providing, and the Son's tenderness and mercy in accomplishing, such a redemption, by his righteousness, and blood. Oh! Holy FATHER! never, never suffer me to lose sight of thy rich, free, and sovereign grace, in thus providing strength for a poor sinner to lay hold of, to make peace with thee by thy dear and ever blessed SON! And oh, thou lovely, and all loving LAMB of GOD, that art as well the Lion of the tribe of Judah, give me to see how, in thy complete righteousness, my soul finds strength to plead for salvation, on the ground of justice. Yes, blessed JESUS! in thee, and thy strength and holiness, may come, even to GOD the FATHER'S seat. I may tell him of justice, and plead for acceptance on the score of righteousness; for thou art made of GOD to me, both wisdom and righteousness; and therefore GOD is just, in being the justifier of every poor sinner that believeth in JESUS. All hail! thou holy, righteous Saviour of sinners! Oh! for more of this blessed communion at a mercy seat, in having fellowship with GOD in CHRIST! Oh, for grace to maintain a constant intercourse at the gate of heaven, in finding strength, even the strength of JESUS'S righteousness, to plead this, and this only, before my GOD, for sure acceptance in the beloved.

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