READER, among many special improvements to be made, under divine teaching, from this chapter, there are two very striking lessons, which I pray the LORD, the HOLY GHOST, to impress with his grace on my mind and yours. The one is, if beasts of prey, and animals of slaughter, become so formidable to our apprehension, since the fall, that their terror make us afraid, think how dreadful it must be to fall, into the hands of offended justice, whose power as infinitely transcends these his creatures, as the great Creator transcends the thing created. And yet doth not every sinner literally expose himself to the tremendous judgment of incensed Heaven, who, despising the only plan of salvation revealed from Heaven by the LORD JESUS CHRIST, sets up a fancied righteousness of his own, and doth, to all intents and purposes, count the blood of the covenant an unholy thing, and doth despite unto the SPIRIT of Grace.

The other improvement from the perusal of this chapter is, to take comfort and the surest confidence in the power, sovereignty, grace, and goodness, of this Almighty GOD, if in the way he himself hath graciously appointed, (even in the name and righteousness of the LORD JESUS CHRIST), we have sought his favor, and cast ourselves wholly upon his free grace in JESUS. Oh! how sure, how eternally sure and safe must be those who have a GOD in CHRIST for their confidence! Did the LORD create Behemoth, and the Leviathan? Doth he feed them, and sustain them, appoint their bounds of their time and existence? And will he not feed, sustain, comfort, and determine the bounds of his people's habitation? Oh! my soul, cast all thy care upon thy GOD in CHRIST, for he careth for thee! 'Fear not, ' he hath said, 'I am with thee.' And surely if the LORD governs with such care the greatest powers in earth and sea, the devils also must be subject to his power, and dare not resist his Command. Precious JESUS! let these views add another argument to make my soul perfectly happy under thy protection. I am thine, O LORD, and thou wilt save me: thou wilt have respect to the works of thine hands. I am thine, O LORD, both by creation and redemption; and therefore thou wilt have regard to the purchase of thy blood and righteousness. Henceforth I cast my soul, and all I have, and am, upon thee; for thou hast redeemed me, O LORD, thou GOD of truth.

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