Though it may, in a subordinate and secondary sense, be said, that these blessings to the Church were in a measure given on the occasional deliverance of Zion from her enemies, when at any time the Lord reckoned with her foes: yet, it were sadly to enervate scripture, to suppose that the Holy Ghost pointed to any temporal mercies when speaking of the great day of the Lord. Evidently the days here spoken of were the gospel days, and that time the time of salvation, by the incarnation, death, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. And this scripture, read in this point of view, opens a subject of the most blessed nature. What thanks is there due from the Church to God the Holy Ghost, for thus preparing the Church so many ages before the coming of Christ, to be waiting and looking for her Lord's approach. The valley of Jehoshaphat was near to Jerusalem, as if pointing to the very spot of the Lord Jesus' ministry. And how was the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem brought again, but by the death of Jesus? Reader! how sweet and blessed this subject becomes, when in the many gracious things said in it, you and I can discover our own personal interest in them?

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