I do not presume to say as much, but I venture to believe, that Joel's prophecy in this Chapter is looking so far on, as to the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. The valley of Jehoshaphat is again mentioned. And what violence is there to the term, to suppose it refers to this present world. The valley the Prophet Ezekiel was led by the spirit of the Lord down into, evidently referred to this world; and so it may here. Ezekiel 37:1, etc. And multitudes, multitudes, will be found in it, in that great day of decision, when the whole events of the gospel will be decided. Then, and not till then, will be the peaceable reign of the Lord Jesus, when swords, and spears, and war will be no more. Moreover the morn will be darkened, and the sun ashamed, from the superior lustre of the glory of Jesus. Isaiah 24:23. And Jesus' voice will be heard, and his presence known and enjoyed as King in Zion. Then in truth, and not in figure, will the mountains drop with wine, and the hills with milk. Jerusalem will truly be cleansed, and made holy in the blood of the Lamb, and the song of redemption be sung by the whole Church upon earth, as it is sung in heaven. Let the Reader look at some of those most blessed and interesting portions of the word of God, and especially the prophecies of scripture which refer to this great event, and let him determine for himself, under the Holy Ghost's teaching, in what sense such divine declarations are to be received. Isaiah 4:1; Ezekiel 40:1 to the end; Zechariah 14:1; Revelation 20:1 and Revelation 21:1 Chapter s throughout, with Isaiah 65:17 to the end.

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