Almighty Preacher! give me grace to sit at thy feet and hear by faith thy sweet and all-powerful voice in this unequalled sermon of thine, causing all the gracious truths of it to sink deep in my heart. Yes! thou dearest Lord! thou art indeed the way, and the truth, and the life. None can have access to God but by thee. God hath set thee up in thy Mediator-character. And in thee, and by thee, as the life and the light of thy people, thy whole Church hath access by one Spirit to the Father.

Welcome Holy and Eternal God the Spirit, to thy Church! Thou art indeed the very Comforter: for Lord thy great work is consolation. Oh! give me to know thee in thy sweet manifestations, in comforting my poor soul under all discouragements, with the suitableness of Christ. Yea, Lord, in all thy gifts and graces, make known to me the glory, the grace, the love, the infinite tenderness, and compassion, of my God and Savior, in taking of the things of Christ, and shewing them to me. Be it my unceasing happiness, to be brought daily, hourly, under thy quickening, refreshing, soul-reviving influences, that I may be filled with that joy which is unspeakable and full of glory, receiving the end of my faith, even the salvation of my soul.

Father of mercies, and God of all grace! blessed, forever blessed, be that everlasting love, which hath followed up the manifestation of God's dear Son, in the manifestation of God's holy Spirit. Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift!

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