Hawker's Poor man's commentary
John 16:8-14
And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgement; (9) Of sin, because they believe not on me; (10) Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more: (11) Of judgement, because the prince of this world is judged. (12) 1 have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. (13) Howbeit, when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak; and he will shew you things to come. (14) He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you.
Reader! It must have been a matter of great importance, that the Lord Jesus in this farewell sermon, dwelt so much upon the Person and Offices of God the Holy Ghost. Never would Christ have described him so particularly, had it not been, that his Church might be taught everything concerning Him, in whose teachings and consolations they were so highly concerned. I pray the Reader to indulge me in my endeavors to follow the footsteps of the Lord Jesus, in marking some at least, of the several features of character, by which God the Spirit, according to the Lord's representation of him, was to be known.
The regeneration, which God the Holy Ghost, in his covenant office-character, engaged to perform on the whole Church of Christ, no doubt comprehended, (as the greater includes the less), all his blessed work. And this sovereign act, as hath been already observed, (see note on John 14:16) is no doubt in point of importance, equal to the electing love of God the Father, or the betrothing and redeeming love of God the Son. But in the Almighty act of regeneration, is included every other office of God the Spirit. For as an Apostle under his authority hath said, in all the manifestations of the divine life, in which the Church is changed into the same image from glory to glory; it is, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. 2 Corinthians 3:18
It will not be improper, neither I hope unprofitable, to take a brief view of some of those office-characters of God the Holy Ghost, which have not been already noticed, and which the Lord Jesus hath specially marked in this sermon. They will serve in some degree to manifest the love of the Spirit to the Church.
I pass over, (because not spoken of in this place by Jesus), the consideration of the work of God the Holy Ghost on the Person of Christ. This forms a separate subject, but yet highly worthy of the first attention when speaking of the office-characters of God the Spirit, in relation to the everlasting covenant. He it was who formed the human nature of the Son of God in the womb. Matthew 1:20; Matthew 1:20; Luke 1:35. He it was who consecrated Christ to the Messiahship. Isaiah 11:1; Acts 10:38. He it was who anointed Christ to all his offices, and so Jesus himself declared. Isaiah 61:1 with Luke 4:18. He it was who wrought with Jesus in all his miracles. Matthew 12:28; Acts 10:38 who wrought with Christ and the Father in his resurrection. Romans 8:11; Romans 8:11. And He it is who now proclaims Christ in the hearts of his redeemed, when, like Christ in his resurrection from the dead, they are quickened from the death of sin by the Holy Ghost. Ephesians 2:1. For none can say, that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost. 1 Corinthians 12:3. All these, and others of a like nature mentioned in scripture, are in proof of the work of God the Holy Ghost upon the Person of Jesus; and in a subject, where at any time the Sacred Writers are speaking of his office-characters in the covenant, these things ought not to be overlooked or forgotten. But the Lord Jesus in this sermon, mentions only his gracious acts towards, and over the Church; and therefore it is to such only I would call more particularly the Reader's attention.
The Lord Jesus begins the subject here in speaking of the office-work of the Holy Ghost, with observing how he will work conviction in the heart on account of sin; how he will proclaim righteousness, even the personal righteousness of Jesus, as all-effectual and complete in the great work of redemption; and of judgment in the fullest establishment of the Lord Jesus, as Judge of quick and dead, which the Jews had attempted to call in question and deny.
Reader! it is a blessed confirmation of the truths of God, when the outward ministry of God's word, is inwrought in the heart by the inward effect. Will you allow me to ask, whether God the Spirit hath so glorified Christ in your heart by such testimonies of his office-work as these, in receiving of Christ's and shewing unto you? The question finds an answer as luminous as though written with a sun beam, when God the Holy Ghost hath truly wrought these operations in the heart and conscience. He proves to a man's own feelings, the filth and guilt, and the loathsome nature of sin. He holds up Jesus in such views of his glory, greatness, fulness, suitableness, and all-sufficiency, as determine the soul to behold in him, everything suited to the want and misery of the sinner. He shews not only the ability, but the readiness of Jesus to receive, and bless the sinner in his low estate. And at length so overrules all the arguments, which sin, unbelief, the world, or the powers of darkness raise up in the way, that the heart is constrained to come to Him; and the soul, that in the first awakenings, under the conviction of sin, trembled with apprehensions to approach; at length finds the Holy Ghost witnessing to the gracious estate of an interest in Christ, from the gift of God the Father, before the foundation of the world. Galatians 4:6; Romans 8:14
I pray the Reader to notice another of the blessed employments of the Holy Ghost in his office-work, namely, in glorifying Christ Jesus. And how is this done? Surely in the most blessed way and manner that the imagination can conceive. God the Spirit holds up the Lord Jesus as a most complete Savior. And while he shews us the sinfulness of our nature, he shews the holiness of Jesus; and with these different views, he so graciously works in the soul by his persuasive power and grace, that he inclines the heart of the true Israel of God to receive Christ, and to barter sin for righteousness, and joy for sorrow; that while Jesus is glorified, the sinner is made happy; and thus this office of the Holy Ghost is most compleatly answered.
I have known, however, some precious souls at a loss to apprehend what is meant by the Holy Ghost's receiving of Christ, and shewing to them. They have been fearful that the application hath not been made. But, if they were to attend to the scripture words and not their own, and as Jesus hath stated this office-work of God the Spirit, the difficulty would vanish. The Lord does not say, that the Holy Ghost shall glorify him by receiving of his, and applying to his people; but shewing them. And what is it to shew the people? Certainly it is simply this, and no more. The Holy Ghost shews the sinner his own wants, and Christ's suitableness to supply those wants, and readiness in supplying them. And thus having shewn that a rich Savior is suited for a poor sinner, and a poor sinner for a rich Savior; sweetly and powerfully the blessed Spirit inclines the heart of the needy sinner to receive, and belief to the salvation of his soul. Hence Christ is glorified, and the sinner is made happy. This is to believe the record God hath given of his Son!