My soul! do thou, with uplifted eyes, and thankful heart, behold thy God and Savior, in this most blessed representation the Holy Ghost hath made of him, in this Chapter, here entering upon His High Priestly Office; and through faith, come under the golden Censer of his Offering! Oh! what a sample hath he here given, of his all powerful, all prevailing, and unchanging Priesthood. Yes! thou blessed Lord! let my poor soul, I pray thee, never lose sight of the Pillar and ground of the truth, on which thy Church, in all her members, both Apostles and people, stand everlastingly firm and secure; the perfection of thy finished work, and the faithfulness of Jehovah's word and oath, in the Covenant, ordered in all things and sure. It is indeed eternal life, and it is thy office-character, to give it, to know Jehovah, the only true God; Father, Son, and Holy Ghost; and Jesus Christ, whom Jehovah hath sent.

Oh, ye Apostles of Christ! what unspeakable mercies did Jesus, in this sweet prayer, confer on you! And ye no less, whom in all the after ages of the Church, God the Spirit hath called to the ministry; how are ye all, from age to age, included, in this rich priestly blessing of my God! Oh! for an holy jealousy, over the fold of Christ, in all the under pastors of the Church; to see and know that their commission is of God. Jesus! in mercy to thy Church, grant that none may run unsent; but that all may bear with them, the same sweet testimony as Jesus in this address to his Father gave, concerning his Apostles: As thou hast sent me into the world; even so have I also sent them into the world. Oh! the blessedness for all of this description and character, to have a consciousness of being interested in Christ's prayer; from being sent forth to the ministry from Christ's ordination: Holy Father! keep through thine own Name, those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one as we are!

And no less ye whole Church of Christ! Never, never, lose sight of those most precious words of Jesus, when he said; Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word. Yes! thou dearest Lord! though thou hast given some Apostles, and some Prophets, and some Evangelists; and some Pastors and Teachers: yet the whole is for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry; for the edifying of the body of Christ. Thy little ones dearest Lord, are as dear to thee, as the greatest and the best; for all is derived from thee, and none hath ought, but what he hath received from thee. Precious Lord Jesus! the hour is hastening, when that will of thine will be fully accomplished; and from an everlasting Oneness of thy Church and People with thyself, the whole Church will appear as thou hast said: Father I will that they also whom thou hast given me be with me where I am, that they may behold my glory which thou hast given me! Amen.

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