Reader! you behold the privileges of God's people. Jesus will reward the humble waiting of his redeemed who seek him. They who went early to the sepulchre, and Mary, who remained there, at length had their full portion of the sight of Jesus. And now, what is it but the same? They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.

And what a very precious encouragement is the first appearing of Christ to Mary Magdalene! She had the first view of Jesus. As if to comfort every poor sinner, that where sin hath abounded, grace shall much more abound. That soul in Christ's family shall have the first glimpse of Jesus, the first kiss of Christ, who most needs him. Precious Lord! let all thy Magdalenes, where Satan hath most cruelly wounded, be first healed!

Oh! dearest Lord Jesus! deal by the Thomas's of thine in the present hour, as thou didst by the Apostle of old. Thou knowest of the sin which doth so easily beset us, and thou knowest the cause. Oh! thou great and Almighty Author and Finisher of faith! keep thy redeemed from the sin of unbelief. Lord! give us to believe, and help thou our unbelief! Amen.

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