The particularity of Judah's lot in the statement of his boundaries, renders it unnecessary to explain it by a comment. If the Reader be fond of tracing the geographical situation of Judah's province, here is ample space left him for that purpose. I only desire him while doing this, not to overlook the several spiritual things to the contemplation of which it leads. As our Lord after the flesh sprang out of Judah, we find here that Judah's lot hath the precedency. And when we behold the great extent of territory Judah had assigned him, it may serve to remind us of the Lord of Judah, whose dominion was to be from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth. Psalms 72:8. The Reader will do well to look at the Patriarch Jacob's blessing concerning Judah's lot, while reading the accomplishment of it in this place. And if he leads the Father's prophecy with the spiritual illustration of it in the Lord Jesus, he will find this scripture not to be without its sweetness. Let the Reader recollect that our Lord sprang out of Judah; was born after the flesh in those regions, and then let him consider concerning the sceptre and the lawgiver, the Shiloh and the gathering of the people to him, the redness of his eyes with wine, and his teeth white with milk, and compare with it what the church saith of him whose love is better than wine, and whose eyes are as the eyes of doves washed with milk, and he will not need any comment from me if the Holy Ghost be his teacher, to discover the sweet application of the Father's prophecy fulfilled in the person of our Lord Jesus. See Solomon ' s Song of Solomon 5:12; Song of Solomon 5:12.

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