The dwelling of the Jebusites in the first of all Israel ' s dominions even in Jerusalem itself, which was not only the royal city, but the holy city, where the Lord pitched his tent and temple of Zion, might be intended perhaps to teach a spiritual lesson, that everything here below is imperfect. Jebusites dwell even to this day in Jerusalem. Much corruption remains in that heart where grace dwells: And while our bodies are the temple of the Holy Ghost which dwelleth in us, the best of God's people find cause to cry out with the apostle, of carrying about with them a body of sin and death. But Reader! what a relief is it to the soul groaning under a sense of this, that by and by the God of peace will bruise Satan under our feet, and the Canaanite shall be no more in the house of the Lord of Hosts. Zechariah 14:20; Romans 16:20


In reading this Chapter, my soul feels disposed to cry out with the Patriarch Judah, Thou art he whom thy brethren shall praise! But oh! how doth Judah, how do all the patriarchs, prophets, and apostles sing to nothing, when compared to thee, thou Lord of Judah, thou dear Redeemer, the Saviour of all men, but especially of them who believe!

Let the spirit of Caleb be upon me if it please my God. If he who took Kirjath-Sepher be thus esteemed, what shalt be the lot of him who by violence taketh the kingdom of Heaven, and hath his name written in the Book of Life! Oh! dearest Jesus, may my name be written in thy book, and may it be known in that day of victory, that I am chosen in, and saved by, the Lord Jesus!

Lord, I would say, give me as Achsah, a blessing, and who but Jesus do I require? Men shall be blessed in him, and all nations shall call him blessed. In him are contained all the upper springs and the nether springs of every joy. Lord Jesus! let all my fresh springs be in thee!

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