MY soul! in the view of the several boundaries of the tribes of Israel arise and behold those everlasting possessions, which thy Jesus hath purchased for thee by his blood. And oh! pray for the sweet offices of the Holy Ghost to be realized to thy experience, that they are thine in an everlasting covenant, which cannot be broken. And while the daughters of Joseph ' s tribe sue for their earthly inheritance, do thou plead for Jesus himself to be thine, and then he will bring with him all temporal, spiritual, and eternal blessings. Dearest Lord! while Joseph's sons murmur because they have but one portion, oh teach me to seek no more! Be thou my portion, Lord, and never, never will I desire any other. In thee I have enough, and all the chariots of the enemy will not dismay, for in thee I shall discomfit an host of men, and by the help of my God leap over a wall.

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