Who could be so proper to be the leader on this occasion as Phinehas, whose zeal for God's glory and honour, had manifested itself so strikingly upon another event before? Numbers 25:7. And, Reader, do observe with what prudence the embassy is conducted. They do not strike the blow of resentment first, and then attempt to justify what they had done after. But they expostulate on the supposed ill conduct of their brethren, by way of manifesting their wish to reclaim, rather than punish. Oh! that in the jealousies and controversies among brethren, and especially concerning divine things, all that profess the pure and lovely gospel of Jesus, by the same Spirit, had been, and ever would be, actuated! - Think, Reader, what a beautiful example is here held forth to all those who alike profess to seek salvation, in the name and righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ! And let not the Reader close his view of this expostulation of Israel to his brethren, before that he hath particularly noticed the generosity of Israel as a people. They were ready to give up part of their portions in Canaan, if their brethren thought the other side of Jordan polluted and unclean; and would have come over to them again, to dwell with them where the Lord's tabernacle was. Oh! how very sweet and precious it is, when a true zeal for the Lord outruns all other considerations. Let Jesus be but honoured, and let what will come of temporal conveniences. Paul, if I mistake not, felt somewhat of the same spirit 2 Corinthians 6:11.

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