HERE would I pause, and in the contemplation of Israel's passing over Jordan, look back upon that sacred stream, and cry out, What hath God wrought? Surely, not one thing hath failed of all the good things which the Lord promised Israel. Well may they look forward to the sure conquest of Canaan, since God hath thus begun to magnify the riches of his grace towards them, and set up the pillars of remembrance to the divine glory.

My soul! hast thou no part in this history? Is not thy Joshua here beautifully represented? Was it not Jesus and his power over all the Jordans, which rolled to keep him and his people back which are here set forth? Fear not then. Set up thy Ebenezer in Gilgal. And when thy children ask thee in time to come, what mean these things? Point to Jesus. Direct them to the Red Sea in his blood. And let them know that all his people are more than conquerors through his grace helping them, that neither death nor life, nor things present nor things to come, nor all the Jordans of sin and the grave, shall be able to separate from Christ Jesus our Lord.

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