I have brought these verses together into one point of view, because they present to the Reader in one and the same moment what the apostle saith: Behold the goodness and severity of God. Romans 11:22. What was there in the character and conduct of Rahab, which could have entitled her to favor above her countrymen? Is it not plain that grace made all the difference? Doth not this history proclaim what Jehovah himself had before proclaimed, I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious. Exodus 33:19. I hope my Reader is one of those who hath learned that grand truth: Shall not the judge of all the earth do right? Genesis 18:25. And if so, this will serve to guide him through a thousand perplexing circumstances he may meet with, both in the works of providence and grace. We are poor blind creatures, and see but a very little way into the plan of God's government. Depend upon it, by and by, when we come to see the whole, and to know, even as we are known, this will be fully manifested, that God is righteous in all his ways, and holy in all his works. Psalms 114:8. I refer the Reader to what the Holy Ghost hath said on this subject, and every other of a similar nature, by his servant the apostle, as a full answer to all the impious objections of the unbeliever; Romans 9:14.

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