It is awful to behold the sure effects of sin. It is awful to behold how it involves a man's posterity in the commission of it. Oh! all-precious Jesus! where, but for thee, would the sin of our first parent Adam have involved the everlasting ruin of all his race! And what door of hope, but in thy blood and righteousness, should any of his posterity have found to have escaped the wrath to come? Is it not from this very thing, in the salvation of Jesus, the Holy Ghost commissioned the prophet in after ages, when pointing to the gospel church to proclaim that from thence, the Lord would give her a door of hope. For who but Jesus is the hope of Israel and the Saviour thereof? Jeremiah 14:8. And when doth Jesus appear more lovely, more interesting and desirable than when the soul is brought down to the deepest of soul distresses by reason of sin in the valley of Achor? Hosea 2:14.

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