BEHOLD, my soul, in the dreadful example of Achan, the ruined state of our corrupt nature: and, while justly condemning him, learn to search thyself. Oh! who can stand in God's sight, and challenge strict enquiry. Lord! I would say; Enter not into judgment with thy servant, for in thy sight can no man living be justified! Teach me, thou blessed Spirit of all truth, teach me to look into myself; to lay my hand with trembling and godly fear upon my heart, and ask how my God is sanctified? How are his commands reverenced? And how his name and majesty honoured? Alas! I fear from the principle of self-love and self-deception, I shall make no discovery equal to what the state really is. Teach me then, thou Holy Spirit, so to stand convinced, of the multitude of transgressions which are secret to my own knowledge, but which are all open to the light of God's countenance, that solemnly condemned in my own heart I may fly to Jesus, take refuge in his all-atoning blood and justifying righteousness; that I may plead this, and this only, before the throne, under all the self-reproaches of my own mind, the charges of Satan, the curses of God's broken law, and the holy demands of his justice. Here, dearest Jesus, do I fix my hope. On thee do I hang all my expectations of pardon, mercy, and peace, through thy blood. And when the demand is made, what I have to say, this shall be all my plea: Thou shalt answer for me, O Lord my God.

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