SEE, my soul, in the history of Israel, what conflicts await the believer after a work of grace is begun in the heart. Let not him that putteth on the harness boast like him that putteth it off. Never, until that we undress for the grave, can the soldiers in the holy army of Jesus be said to have done with battle. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. But oh! what a sweet relief to the mind is it, in the consciousness that the issue is not doubtful. Though the Canaanite be still in the land, the promise is, that he shall not always be. There is a rest which remaineth for the people of God. Blessed God! comfort the souls of thy people with this assurance. And, until the day of deliverance comes, may we fight under his banner, and in his strength, who is the Lord our Righteousness.

Dearest Jesus! at the very mention of thy name, methinks, new strength is imparted to my soul. How infinitely dost thou transcend thy type of Israel's Joshua, in all that is precious and endearing! He was not able to continue, by reason of death. But thou art the same, and thy years shall not fail. Oh! how sweet, how very sweet is that assurance! Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the world. Be thou ever with me in all my trials, difficulties, and temptations. Be thou with me in all my happier hours of seeming prosperity and quiet. Be thou ever with me, to soften every evil, and to heighten every joy. Upheld by thine arm, which bringeth salvation, I shall be more than conqueror. And surrounded with thy love, my cup will run over. Oh! for the lively actings of faith thus to be always in the spiritual company of Jesus, and to live to him and with him, to the Father's praise, and the Spirit ' s grace, which maketh his people accepted in the beloved.

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