If the Reader recollects the dying benediction of the Patriarch over the two sons of Joseph, how under the spirit of prophecy Jacob put Ephraim before Manasseh, he will here trace the fulfillment of it, and therefrom discover the foundation of the jealousy between those two houses. See Genesis 48:13. But what a melancholy event is it in human nature, to behold from the consequence of the fall the quarrels of brethren to be even greater than among strangers. A brother offended (we are told in scripture) is harder to be won than a strong city. Proverbs 18:19. Precious Jesus! what a refreshing thought is it to my soul, that amidst all my numerous and repeated provocations, thou art not so offended. Thou art indeed the Brother born for adversity; the friend that loveth at all times; and that sticketh closer than a brother. Proverbs 18:24; Proverbs 18:24.

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