Then his brethren and all the house of his father came down, and took him, and brought him up, and buried him between Zorah and Eshtaol in the buryingplace of Manoah his father. And he judged Israel twenty years.

It is worthy remark, how careful the Patriarchs and early believers were, to record the monuments of their sepulchres. No doubt from one, and the same cause: they all died in faith of the promised redemption. See Heb_11:22; Heb_11:32, etc.


I CANNOT dismiss the review of this very remarkable character, Samson, without once again, and before I take a farewell leave of him, desiring grace and the divine teachings of the Holy Spirit, that I may look at him so as to profit. I would pause and consider, with what an air of importance his birth was introduced: how singularly the presence of the Lord led him on through all the remarkable periods of his life: and what decisive tokens of the same Almighty presence and favor distinguished his death. Thus brought into the world, so solemnly set apart as a Nazarite to God: and so peculiarly distinguished from every other in all the events which befell him: it is impossible but to suppose that the divine intention concerning him was to prefigure another. And to whom shall I direct my eyes, in order to behold the person represented, but to thee, thou holy blessed glorious Nazarite, whose whole nature was purer than snow, whiter than milk, more ruddy than rubies, and brighter than polishing sapphire. Thy birth indeed, blessed Jesus, was miraculous; and great were the predictions and preparations, made in the sacred word for thy coming. Anointed with the Holy Ghost without measure, and solemnly set apart for thy Father's service, when thou didst come thou wast at once brought into a display of the most triumphant exploits; not indeed of the destruction of the Philistines, but in thy victory over the enemy; when from thy baptism thou wast led up of the Spirit into the wilderness, to be tempted of the devil. Basely wast thou betrayed as Samson, by false friends, and like him delivered up into the hands of thine enemies. But infinitely surpassing him, though thine enemies nailed thee to the cross, and then insulted thy sufferings, thou hast, by that very death, fulfilled the whole council of Jehovah, put an everlasting end to sin, with all its dreadful consequences, and brought in an everlasting righteousness, which is to all, and upon all that believe.

Here then, Lord, let me behold thee in thy death, and in the triumph of it. And beseech thee, thou gracious God of my salvation, that now thou hast by thy death spoiled principalities and powers, and made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it, that thou wilt mercifully go on by the preaching of thy gospel, under thy blessed Spirit's influence, conquering and to conquer. Oh! may thy sovereign word be as the arms of Samson, to pull down all the strong holds of sin and Satan. Let that cursed foe be beheld by thy people, to fall as lightning from heaven. Let the foundation of every false god be thrown down, and the ruin of antichrist be brought to pass. Oh! let thy Kingdom come, thou dear Redeemer, and Master, and hasten the latter day glory. May that period soon arrive, when the nations of the earth shall own thy power, when every knee shall bow before thee, and every tongue confess, that thou art Christ, to the glory of God the Father.

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