BEHOLD my soul! what dreadful effects the fall of man and his apostacy from God, hath wrought in the human heart. Behold! how general and even universal that apostacy is by nature. Well might the Prophet, contemplating the horrid picture, confess; all we like sheep have gone astray, we have turned everyone to his own way. For though the different tracks, the different characters of men take lead into various bye paths; yet the bias and direction of every man's mind, in a state of nature, is all turning from God. And how very dear ought that rich dipensation of mercy which sought us in our lost estate to be, which brings back sinners from the error of their way, and turns them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to the living God.

Precious Jesus! may it my portion to learn from hence, how much I owe to thee and to thy rich mercy, who, when running after the idols of my sinful heart, came and delivered me from this dreadful captivity. And no less to thy mercy, heavenly Father, do I desire to ascribe the great salvation, whose everlasting love made such ample provision for my recovery, in the complete redemption of thy dear Son! And thou Almighty Spirit, from whose effectual teaching, and in thy glorifying both the Father's love and Jesus' grace to my view, I am brought over from the dominion of Satan, and made willing to be saved in Jesus, in the day of thy power! Lord, let the cry of my heart evermore be like that of Ephraim, What have I anymore to do with idols! In the Lord Jesus do I desire to rejoice all the day, and in thy righteousness to make my boast. Thou art my God, and I will prepare thee an habitation; my father's God, and I will exalt thee.

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