Though the several contents in this chapter lead to the review only of the sin, and consequently the sorrow of our nature, yet my soul, if the contemplation of man's ruin by sin, prompts thy heart to admire and embrace yet more affectionately the glorious recovery by grace, and brings thee home to Him, who hath done away sin and all its real consequences by the sacrifice of himself, even this humiliating subject will form the foundation for greater praise. Yes! thou blessed Jesus, I see in thee, and thy great redemption work, the glorious scheme of salvation, prepared long before the fall, and in the fulness of time completed, for to repair the desolations of many generations, and to restore perfect order among all the works of God. I behold the Almighty God and Father founding this plan of unequalled mercy, in the ancient settlement of eternity, and thou generously undertaking it when neither Levite nor Priest, nor righteousness, nor offering, could stand in the least stead to bring sinners to God. And what is it now in time, but the same everlasting righteousness arising out of Jehovah's everlasting love, by which the salvation of thy church and people is secured forever. Hail! thou holy, precious, pure, and spotless Lamb of God! Oh may my soul find constant relief, and every suited encouragement, in reposing on thy righteousness, when at any time, in thyself or others around me, I feel or see the sad consequences of a sinful state. Lord! I would lay low before thee, under a deep sense of sin, and this body of death I carry about within me, while taking refuge under the incense of thy merits, and seeking redemption in thy blood. Be thou to me, O Lord, all I need; wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption: and may all my glorying be in thee, O Lord.

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