I beg the Reader to remark with me the leading feature in the character of this angel, and then let him determine for himself whether it was not the Angel of the Covenant, even the Lord Jesus Christ. Who but God could make use of this language, I made you to go up out of Egypt? And who was it that sware unto their fathers, but Jehovah? Oh! how very precious is it to trace the footsteps of him whose goings forth have been of old, from everlasting? Didst thou, dearest Jesus, long for the season of thine incarnation? And didst thou adopt this method of showing thy love to our nature, by such tokens? See Exodus 33:1; Micah 5:2. Gilgal, from whence the angel is said to have come, could not but remind the people of the renewal of the covenant by circumcision, and which, as it was taking away their reproach, was called Gilgal See Joshua 5:9; Joshua 5:9. The purport of the angel's message was reproof, in which the Lord explains wherefore their enemies were not wholly subdued. In their continuance as thorns in their sides, the word of God was fulfilled. See Exodus 23:33; Numbers 33:35; Deuteronomy 7:16.

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