All these verses fold up in their contents the two great leading points of the gospel doctrine, namely, human depravity, and divine benignity. In the forbearance of God, and the continued provocations of man, the language of the prophet meets us in all directions, and cries aloud, in all that is going on in life, Who is a God like unto thee, that pardoneth iniquity, and passeth by the transgression of the remnant of his heritage? But Reader! do not overlook the cause. The Prophet that thus speaks had it in commission from the Holy Ghost to assign the reason; for he adds, that it was to perform the truth to Jacob, and the mercy to Abraham. Yes, blessed Jesus! thou art the mercy promised. And it was in thee, and thy promised salvation, Jehovah manifested his pardoning love and mercy to Israel. Reader! I charge it upon you to read that most precious and interesting account of this love, which the Prophet gives. Isaiah 63:7, to the end.

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