PAUSE my soul, over the perusal of these shadowy representations, and under a most perfect conviction, that neither the blood of beasts, nor of birds, can take away sin, behold in them the most lively types, of the ever blessed JESUS! He was brought, indeed, to the Altar, a willing sacrifice. He was led, as a lamb to the slaughter. Upon his sacred head, by faith, his people now lay their hands; and confess over him those sins, which merit the punishment he suffered. His soul and body were indeed divided, for the moment of death, but soon united together, to see no corruption. And when he had made his soul an offering for sin, he ascended in the offering made by fire, of his own merits and death, as a sweet smelling savour of propitiation, for his people before GOD. Oh! thou holy, immaculate, precious LAMB of GOD, which taketh away the sins of the world; may it be my portion to have an everlasting interest in all the merits of thy sacrifice. And since I am poor, and wretched, in all pretensions to divine favor, may my offering, at the door of the tabernacle, be this, to bring JESUS, in the arms of my faith, that in him, and his precious redemption, I may find favor with GOD. Oh! may thy blood, be sprinkled, upon my guilty conscience, and my whole soul be washed in the laver of regeneration; and that the LORD the HOLY GHOST may enable me to present my body, a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto GOD, which is my reasonable service.

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