The goat was the sin-offering for the people. Leviticus 9:15. And by the priest eating of it within the holy place, the instruction intended to be conveyed was, that the priest, as a type of the ever-blessed JESUS, did thereby bear the iniquity of the congregation. Reader! do not overlook thy High Priest here. 2 Corinthians 5:21. Aaron's grief made him fear, that if he had eaten the sin-offering as usual, he should have hindered the acceptance. Observe how sparingly and humbly he speaks of his trials. Such things have befallen me. The prophet Hosea in after ages was taught to say, that the bread of mourners should be polluted, and not suffered to be brought into the house of the LORD. Hosea 9:4. It should seem from the acquiescence of Moses in the reasoning of Aaron, that his excuse was admitted. Psalms 103:13.

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