Who that reads this Chapter, and beholds the awful monuments here held forth to view, in the sons of Aaron struck dead before the LORD, but must feel himself constrained to cry out with the men of Bethshemesh upon another occasion, Who is able to stand before this Holy LORD GOD! 1 Samuel 6:20. Were these the very men whom the LORD admitted into the nearer view of himself in the holy Mount? Were these the same Nadab and Abihu, who went up by the LORD'S own command with Moses and Aaron to Sinai, and saw the GOD of Israel? Yes. Oh! learn, my soul, from hence, that the more highly favoured thou art from divine manifestations, the more humbly do thou walk with thy GOD. May the LORD in mercy grant, that neither gifts, nor graces, nor abilities, nor talents, nor station, nor character, may become snares to presumption. Dearest and ever-blessed JESUS! my eyes are up unto thee with an humble supplication, that no incense but thine, no fire but of thy kindling, may ever be found in my poor offerings. May all my approaches be under the blessed leadings of thine HOLY SPIRIT. Prevent it blessed GOD, that ever I should kindle a fire or compass myself about with sparks. But may I come to thee, thou great High Priest of my profession! May the golden altar of thy nature, be the only hallowed sanctuary of my oblation; thy blood and righteousness the only sacrifice wherein I put my trust; thy precious offering of infinite and endless value, the only propitiation to justify my soul; and thy robe of salvation the only covering I desire to appear in before GOD. Thus clothed I shall not be found naked. And thus secured in thy righteousness, I shall neither approach nor make an offering presumptuously: but receiving a kingdom that cannot be moved, I shall have grace whereby I may serve GOD acceptably, with reverence and godly fear.

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