This chapter, take it altogether, is perhaps, as interesting and important as any, in the whole Levitical dispensation. And if explained to us, by the gospel, will be found worthy the most serious and close attention of all real believers in CHRIST. It contains the memorable account of the appointed ordinance, to be observed once only in every year, of the day of atonement. How the high priest is to enter, on this solemn day, into the holy place: the prohibition of his ever entering there but upon that day; the service he is to perform; the manner of performing it; the sin-offering he is to bring, first for his own sins, and then for the sins of his people: these things are all here particularly set down and appointed. The ceremony to be observed also respecting the scape-goat, forms a part of this chapter; and the attention to be shown by the people, upon this memorable occasion is pointed out.

Leviticus 16:1

In the opening of this chapter, I beg the Reader once again to keep in view the motto, which indeed ought to stand at the head of every chapter of the writings of Moses, and which I requested might be remembered, Moses wrote of CHRIST. And as the Apostle to the Hebrews, expressly tells us, that the HOLY GHOST signified to the church in the wilderness, by this annual service, the great leading points of salvation by JESUS; here in a very especial manner ought our attention to be awakened. Hebrews 9:7.

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