Leviticus 20:1

CONTENTS This Chapter is a continuation of the former, in a repetition of certain laws, with the addition of the threatened punishment to the breaches of them; and concluding with a more comprehensive demand of uniform holiness.... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 20:1,2

When laws are repeated, or when the LORD at any time enforceth his precepts, by a renewed rehearsal, it always should carry with it an evidence of its importance. Psalms 62:11.... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 20:3

Moloch was the idol which the children of Ammon worshipped; but though the Ammonites were guilty of this cruel practice of sacrificing their children to such a dunghill god, which plainly proved their religion to be of the devil, was there any danger that Israel should be led away to such abominable... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 20:4,5

Observe how jealous the LORD is of his honour. If the people of the land connive at this wickedness, and instead of punishing the offender, wink at him; GOD himself will avenge it, and also on the persons neglecting to punish it. Psalms 94:1.... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 20:6

Is not that sinful and foolish custom, which some have, of consulting fortune-tellers and the like, akin to the practice here so severely reprobated by GOD? And did anyone but seriously consider, as he ought, the weakness and folly of going to a liar for truth, in any who pretend to tell what shall... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 20:9

Our LORD was pleased to take notice of this precept, and to confirm it. Matthew 15:4. And the law of nature seems to echo the same. Proverbs 30:17.... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 20:10-20

What is here rehearsed concerning uncleanness, every Christian reader may say, as the apostle, of such horrible corruptions in general, let it not be once named among you as becometh saints. Ephesians 5:3. Reader! what a humiliating thought is it, that our nature should be capable of such detestable... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 20:21-27

Let the Reader remark with me, in the perusal of these verses, the grounds on which the LORD enjoins sanctity of life and manners, and the very strong motives in which it is founded, namely, that the LORD is the GOD of his people in a covenant way, and that they are his people. So that being thus di... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 20:27

REFLECTIONS As there is no part of scripture but what, under divine teaching, will become profitable, so here is opened to us much profit, much improvement, and a continual source for thanksgiving. My soul, I charge it upon thee, while reading the dreadful effects of sin, in the blinded ignorance of... [ Continue Reading ]

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