What is here rehearsed concerning uncleanness, every Christian reader may say, as the apostle, of such horrible corruptions in general, let it not be once named among you as becometh saints. Ephesians 5:3. Reader! what a humiliating thought is it, that our nature should be capable of such detestable bestiality as is here mentioned! To what a degraded state are we fallen! And observe what is said concerning such things, a man shall bear his iniquity. Gracious GOD had this been our doom forever; and no Redeemer been found to bear the sins of his people, what must have been the portion of all! Dearest JESUS! here let me again look up, and behold thee, as bearing our sins in thine own body on the tree: and while my soul exults in thy love, thine unequalled love, in that thou hast so loved us as to give thyself for us, may I no less rejoice in the FATHER'S tender mercy, who in determined love to a lost world, was pleased to lay on thee the iniquity of us all. Isaiah 53:5.

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