OH! what a gracious merciful GOD is the GOD with whom we have to do, of whom it may be truly said, he punisheth us less than our sins deserve. May it be my mercy, O LORD, through thy sovereign grace, to walk with thee in all thy statutes and in all thine ordinances, with a jealous eye to thy glory; that the LORD may give me all these blessings both in a temporal sense and in a spiritual; that my heaven may never be iron, nor my earth brass. But chiefly, while a bountiful GOD and Saviour gives me all things richly to enjoy, neither the precious fruits brought forth by the sun, nor the precious things put forth by the moon, may be half so precious to my soul as the good will of him that dwelt in the bush. And, dearest LORD, in all thy rebukes, for the manifold departures of my soul from thee; oh, give me grace, that the most gentle of thy chastisements may call my heart home from its rebellions. LORD! evermore give me to hear the rod, and who hath appointed it. May it never be my case to seek comfort by hiding or lessening my transgression; but in confessing and forsaking it: and so to seek peace with GOD through our LORD JESUS CHRIST. And blessed JESUS, let me add, may the precious teachings of thine HOLY SPIRIT continually lead me to this sure conclusion; that all my pardon and peace is obtained, not for anything that I have done or can do; but from the covenant righteousness of GOD in CHRIST; what thou hast done and suffered; and what the FATHER of mercies hath engaged to perform, for his own sake, and for his righteousness sake, to whose holy name be all the glory!

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