Aaron and his sons having in the preceding chapter been solemnly ordained and set apart to the ministry, are in this chapter introduced as entering upon their holy office. Moses, at GOD'S command, appoints an assembly both of the priests and elders, and enjoins them to bring their offerings before the LORD. This is done. Aaron first offers his sacrifice for himself, and then for the people. The glory of the LORD appears in the tabernacle. The divine approbation is manifested by consuming the burnt-offerings with fire. The holy joy of the people in consequence thereof. These are the principal things related in this chapter. Leviticus 9:1

It were devoutly to be prayed for, that they who minister in holy things, would observe in this place, and at the reading of this and the foregoing chapter, that no sooner was Aaron ordained, than he was engaged in the holy service. Regenerated Christians, and much more truly ordained ministers, have no time to be idle. See Jeremiah's ordination, Jeremiah 1:10; Jeremiah 1:10. See his first sermon, Leviticus 2:1. See Ezekiel 43:27. Above all, see the account of the LORD JESUS, John 9:4.

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