Hawker's Poor man's commentary
Luke 22:3-6
"Then entered Satan into Judas surnamed Iscariot, being of the number of the twelve. (4) And he went his way, and communed with the chief priests and captains, how he might betray him unto them. (5) And they were glad, and covenanted to give him money. (6) And he promised, and sought opportunity to betray him unto them in the absence of the multitude."
I beg the Reader to be particular in remarking what is here said of the traitor; in relation to the time, in which Satan is said. to have entered into him. If the Reader compares what is here said with the other Evangelists' account, he will discover that it was two days before the Passover. Matthew saith, that Christ was then in Bethany, in the house of Simon the leper. Matthew 26:2. And John saith, that Christ and his disciples were at supper. John 13:2. Now this Supper could not have been the Lord's Supper, for Jesus instituted the Lord's Supper in the room of the Jewish Passover: and this he did not do before that he had, according to his earnest desire, celebrated it once more with his disciples. Neither could this Supper have been the Passover, for it was two days after this, when the Lord sent Peter and John to prepare for the Passover. And, moreover, this Supper was at Bethany, two miles from Jerusalem. And the Passover could nowhere be observed but in Jerusalem. See Deuteronomy 16:16; Deuteronomy 16:16. So that all these circumstances are in full proof, that the Supper John speaks of was not the Passover, neither the Supper of the Lord.
Now John is express to declare, that it was at this Supper in Bethany, Jesus gave the sop to Judas Iscariot, after which Satan entered into him. And Luke in this place saith, that this was before the Passover; and Matthew dates the time; it was two days before the Passover. Matthew 26:16; Matthew 26:16. If the Reader be careful to put all these things together, he cannot hesitate to conclude, that Satan's entrance into the traitor was two days before the Passover.
And this point being very fully ascertained and confirmed, we shall next as completely discover, notwithstanding weak and injudicious Christians would wish to have it otherwise, that Judas, after this, partook both in the Passover and the Lord's Supper." And here again I request the Reader's close attention, in order to have a clear apprehension of the fact.
When the disciples, which had been sent from Bethany to prepare the Passover, had made all things ready, we are told, that, in the evening; Jesus came with the twelve, Mark 14:17. And both Matthew and Luke are express, in saying, that, when the hour was come, he sat down, and the twelve Apostles with him. Mark 14:14.Matthew 26:20. And the relation, as given by the Evangelists, Matthew, Mark, and Luke, of the services, both of the Passover, and the Lord's institution of his Supper, very fully prove the presence and participation of Judas, in common with the rest of the Apostles. The ordinance of the Passover is related in this chapter, from Mark 14:15. Then commenceth the service of the Lord's Supper. At the close of which, and not before, Jesus declares that the hand of the traitor was then with him on the table. How long after Judas remained is not said; but this statement by those three Evangelists, most decidedly prove, that the traitor took his place at the table, perhaps the better to cover his design, and was a partaker in both ordinances.
And, indeed, I cannot discover the shadow of a reason, wherefore any of the Lord's faithful ones should take offence at it or wish it otherwise. Nay, I humbly conceive, that the Lord Jesus had a special design in it, for his own glory, and his Church's happiness. I will explain myself--
It is certain, that when the Lord chose Judas to the office of an Apostle, he knew him to be a devil, for so the Lord said, Have not I chosen you twelve? and one of you is a devil! He spake (said the Evangelist) of Judas Iscariot, the Son of Simon, for he it was that should betray him, being one of the twelve. John 6:70. If therefore the Lord chose him into the Apostleship, under such circumstances, shall it appear surprising, that he admitted him to the Passover and Supper? Having granted the greater, can we wonder at the less.
Moreover, we find, that during the whole time of our Lord's ministry, Judas exercised the commission of an Apostle, in common with the rest. We read, (Luke 9:1.) that the Lord sent out the twelve to cast out devils, heal the sick, and preach the kingdom of God; consequently Judas must have been included. Had this man been restrained from the exercise of the same power as the eleven, surely it must have been perceived by the rest, and they would have known it. And yet we find that Judas, though all the while, as our Lord termed him, a devil, had carried himself so deceitfully, (2 Corinthians 11:13.) that when at the table, and at the close of Christ's ministry, Jesus declared that one of the twelve would betray him, they were so unconscious of his real character, that they anxiously enquired which of them it should be?
Now then, if the Lord Jesus, (who, as John saith, knew all men, and needed not that any should testify of man, for he knew what was in man. John 2:25.) was thus pleased, for wise and great purposes, though unknown to us, yet well known to him, to choose a devil to mix up with his Apostles, yea, for aught we know to the contrary, to exercise the same functions as they did; what greater causes could there be to keep him from ordinances than from the Apostleship? Did he not enjoy higher privileges as all Apostle, than in partaking of the Passover, or Supper of the Lord? And is it not highly probable that our adorable Jesus had some gracious design in the appointment, which, instead of militating to evil should be overruled to good. I humbly conceive this to be the case; and I beg the Reader's patience while I state my further views upon this part of the subject also.
And here, first, I would remark, that this traitor, this devil, as the Lord called him, though chosen to be a Minister, and an Apostle, was never called to be a partaker of grace, neither he himself ever regenerated by the Holy Ghost. Let this be well considered. And, that the Church of God might not err in forming just views of his real character, God the Holy Ghost, by the mouth of Peter, was pleased to show to what the Apostleship of Judas extended. He was numbered with us, (said Peter), and had obtained part of this ministry. Acts 1:17. Part of this ministry! Yes! such a part, and such only, as a devil might obtain. And what is that? An outside part; the form of office; the mere exercise of the function. Nothing of grace. Not one gift of the Spirit. Such as men, unordained by the Holy Ghost, unregenerated in heart may, and the Lord only knows how often do exercise; but which have no tendency to their own sanctification. Such was Judas! A devil he was, and a devil he remained, notwithstanding his associating with the Apostles while on earth, until the measure of his iniquity was filled; and then, as we are told, he went to his own place! Acts 1:25. And, however awful the view to the Church of Jesus, yet, the Great Head of it hath prepared his redeemed to expect similar instances, and by our Lord's manner of speaking, not a few beside that of Judas, which shall be unfolded at the last day. Many (saith Jesus) will say to me in that day, Lord! Lord! have we not prophesied in thy name, and in thy name cast out devils, and in thy name done many wonderful works. And then will I profess unto them I never knew you; depart from me, ye that work iniquity. Matthew 7:22
But it were not doing justice to the subject to stop here. May we not also suppose, that the Lord Jesus had a further design of mercy to his Church and people in the appointment of a Judas among his Apostles? He well knew that his Church would never be free, while in a militant state, from false Apostles, and false Prophets. Jesus not only foretold his redeemed this, but prepared them how to form conclusions concerning them. Tares, he said, should grow together with the good seed, until the harvest. Goats should be found with the sheep. But, in the midst, the precious and the vile are still perfectly distinct; and never, no never can coalesce. Tares never can become good seed, neither can sheep become goats. The seed of the woman, and the seed of the serpent cannot join. Hence therefore, if Jesus, in that little handful of his people, the eleven Apostles, purposely chose a Judas to mingle, well may the Church be satisfied in the midst of the heathen, when they consider that the Lord endured such a contradiction of sinners against himself, lest they should be weary, and faint in mind.
Reader! learn from hence, that the Church of Christ is not polluted from the mingling of the ungodly in her sweetest and most sacred ordinances. The Passover, and the Supper of the Lord, lost no savor to the Apostles, from the presence of Judas! They had Jesus with them, and that was all they needed, And if you or I, in his house, or at his table, meet Jesus in the ordinance, our joys will suffer no lessening from any unhallowed objects around. If God the Holy Ghost will lead my way forth by the footsteps of the flock, where the Great Shepherd feeds his sheep; Song of Solomon 1:8. though Judas himself dared to be present, there my soul should be found. Job 1:6. And however I would seek out that ministry, and that people, where Christ alone is exalted, yet sure I am, however barren the means, yet led by the Lord, I shall go in and out, and find pasture. Jesus will prepare a table before me in the presence of mine enemies, he wilt anoint my head with oil, and make my cup run over. Psalms 23:5.