Reader! where are all those proud monarchs, in the Cesars, and Pilates, and Herods, of the day; whose looks frowned men for the moment into fear; and whose words, and actions, made men tremble throughout the earth? The flood of time hath gone over them, and they are no more! But He, who as a little stone cut out without hands, hath broken them all in pieces, and, as foretold, is become a mountain, and hath filled and is filling the earth. Behold the humbleness and austerity of his herald the Baptist. Then see the low estate of the Son of God. And in the midst of all that debasement, poverty, and meekness of character, hear the voice from heaven attesting to the glories of his person, while the Holy Ghost bore testimony to the same; Thou art my beloved Son! In thee I am well pleased. Oh! for grace to be well pleased also with his person, work, offices, character, and relations! Precious Lord Jesus! truly thou art the seed of the woman; and in thee shall all the seed of Israel be justified, and shall glory!

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