My soul! behold thy Lord, in the many sweet views of Him presented in this chapter. See him in his mercy, hastening to the relief of the centurion's servant. Behold him manifesting what the Holy Ghost had marked of his character, when exercising his sovereign authority as God, blended with the tenderness of his manhood, at the gate of the city Nain. Oh! who that beheld my God and Savior, in that moment, of turning the widow's tears into joy, and raising her son from the dead, but would have cried out with the Prophet, and echoed to his blessed words, behold! your God is come to save you! And who that beheld the poor penitent in the house of the proud Pharisee, and the gracious mercy and condescension of Jesus to her sorrows, but would have hailed the happy hour of God's faithful promise confirmed; I even I am he that blotteth out thy transgressions, and will not remember thy sins.

And is it not the same in the present hour? Is the Lord's arm shortened that he cannot save? Is his ear grown heavy, that he cannot hear? Precious, precious Lord Jesus! how sweet to my soul the assurance, that as thy person, so thy purpose admits of no change. Jesus Christ! the same yesterday and today, and forever.

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