PAUSE my soul over the many precious contents in this blessed chapter! Both the Jewish nation, and the Jewish church, have been as the LORD's vineyard. Oh! the boundless grace of JEHOVAH in setting apart that people with whom he deposited his Ordinances; whose are the fathers, and of whom as concerning the flesh CHRIST came, who is over all GOD blessed forever, Amen. But oh! the wonderful provocations of Israel, in slighting the LORD's servants rising early and speaking, but regarding them not; till at length they killed the LORD of life and glory! But, Reader! are we then by nature or by practice better than they? Oh! no, in no wise. The LORD hath concluded all under sin, that the righteousness of GOD, which is by faith of Jesus CHRIST, might be given to them that believe. Oh! the depth of the riches, both of the wisdom and knowledge of GOD!

My soul! behold thy LORD attacked in every way, by men calling him Rabbi; and professing great regard to his person, for his teaching the way of GOD in truth; and by Pharisee and Sadducee, by Herodians and by Scribes, aiming to catch him in his words! Oh! thou divine and Almighty Teacher, cause thy blessed truths in this chapter to sink deep into my heart! LORD! be thou everlastingly blessed for thy gracious discoveries concerning the glorious truths of thy resurrection. LORD! be thou my resurrection, and my life Give me to know Israel's GOD in covenant as one LORD! And oh! give me grace to love Him in his threefold character of Person, FATHER, SON, and HOLY GHOST, with all my heart, with all my soul, with all my mind, and with all my strength. And in the love of GOD may my affections find sweet directions, to the love of my neighbour. So will David's LORD be my LORD, and his CHRIST my CHRIST. And like the poor widow, the LORD's treasury will have my whole living; since all I have, and all I am, are the LORD'S, and of His own only do I give him,

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