CHRIST's Resurrection, and his Appearance to Mary Magdalene and to others. The LORD giveth his Commission to his Apostles; and returned unto Glory.

AND when the sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, had bought sweet spices, that they might come and anoint him.

Reader! let us pause at the very entrance on this precious chapter, with which the HOLY GHOST is pleased that Mark should finish his Gospel. Every word is big with events, in recording the wonderful history of our LORD's resurrection, and may well merit the closest attention of his people. The sabbath was past, we are told, and the LORD of the sabbath (Mark 3:28.) had rested from his own works. Hebrews 4:10. and that blessed scripture but little understood, yet most highly significant, was now to be immediately accomplished. Jeremiah 31:26. Those godly women, still unconscious of the great things in which they themselves were so highly interested, had bought sweet spices, (and so had Nicodemus, John 19:39.) with intention of embalming the body of JESUS. Reader! behold how the LORD was pleased to keep those whom he loved in ignorance for a while, of a subject which when made known, filled their hearts with a joy unspeakable and full of glory. Let you and I, from hence learn to estimate our mercies, and desire with Paul, to know CHRIST, and the power of his resurrection. Philippians 3:10.

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